Adoro Nyangkir Allan

College University of Juba

Area of Study Computer Engineering

Length of Scholarship 4 years

Adoro wrote: I'm disable and low income student that is why I need help with my college expenses. I will be the first child to attend the college although my parents gave
me many support, but they cannot afford to pay for college. Why I want to go to college is because college can teach me skills that will
help me succeed in my career. Most good paying jobs will require a college education, I will make more money than others without college education. College can build knowledge

and understanding of a subject area which help prepares me for my future. And other thing is that I will learn new skills and broaden
my experience in life, I will increase my knowledge and understanding of the work around. College won't only teach how to become a good student it can also teach me some skills.
What I want to study is computer engineering. Adoro is from the Murle community and he scored 75.7% on the National Exam. He attended Mahad Juba Secondary school. 

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