Akot Machar Abraham

College University of Juba

Area of Study Social Work

Length of Scholarship 2 years

I lost my father fifteen years ago. His departure subjected my family to hardships. My mother became the only parent on whom we depend for our financial needs. At present, my mother is aging and she cannot provide for the family. My elder brother who didn't get a chance to study, however, is unable to assume the family responsibilities.
This puts me in a position of no financial source for my studies, and I have always been forced to ask for financial assistance from Good Samaritans to cover my school fees on the temporary basis.
I pursue a 4 year Bachelor degree and my dream has always been to change the current situation of my family and the wellbeing of my community- Padoc Area.
After graduating successfully, I intend to develop a project that helps little children from the Padoc community to go to school. This situation I am undergoing in search for education is my motivation that drives this project.

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