Albino Akol Akech Deng

College Upper Nile University

Area of Study Veterinary Medicine

Length of Scholarship 4 years

I'm a South Sudanese from Warrap State, 18 years old.
I'm a student pursuing bachelor's degree at Upper Nile University, college of Veterinary medicine.
I have been looking for scholarship opportunities to study abroad because of lack of financial status.
I will be pleased and happy if granted this opportunity.
Hope for your help in advance. 

I'm currently pursuing Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine.
I started my academic studies later October 2nd, 2023, and university life is challenging when you don't have support from the family. 
I have been going through my challenges a lot, accommodation, where to eat and transportation to university every time. 
I always foot to the university in sincerely talking, because my parents are all civilian who their occupation is agro-pastoralist, and they had few cattle moreover. 
Changing handouts at Upper University is another challenge I have been facing too. 
And regards all these, I am optimistic that my current situation will change soon.
I have a believe after my studies, my struggle will pay me back, as the sayings say, that there's no gain without suffering or work.
I have plans to be a veterinary doctor so that I will be taking care of the life of livestock and fisheries and prevent spreading of disease to humans.
The life of humans is based on animals' products; therefore, they must be kept healthy. 

Albino is from the Padoc area. He is single and he lives in a household of 13 people. Albino graduated from Don Bosco Secondary School and earned a 78.9% on the national examination. He is a first-year student in college and earned a 3.44 GPA in his first semester at university. He is need of financial assistance in order to continue with his studies. 

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