Albino Makol Parum

College Upper Nile University

Area of Study Nursing

Length of Scholarship 3 years

As a dedicated nursing student, the financial burden of tuition fees and related expenses can be overwhelming. Investing in my education is not just about personal growth but also about contributing to society’s well-being. Sponsors play a crucial role in supporting aspiring healthcare professionals like me. By providing financial aid, sponsors are not only assisting individuals but also investing in the future of healthcare. The impact of their support goes beyond funding; it nurtures skilled and compassionate caregivers who will make a difference in countless lives. Your sponsorship is not just a donation; it’s an investment in a healthier tomorrow.

Albino is from the Padoc community and lives in a household of five people. He graduated from Don Secondary School-Tonj South and earned a 2.75 GPA in his first year of college. 

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