James Oleyo Amor Olebu

College University of Juba

Area of Study Education

Length of Scholarship 4 years

1. Why should I need help with my college expenses?
In primary and High school, I have been supported by my mother uncle up the date of completing my Primary and High School. By that time of finishing High school uncle decided not to continue support me anymore because of his many responsibilities at home so he stopped paying me university, then I remained unable to continue with studies.

2. Why I want to go to college?
Since I have been completed High School in 2020/2021 I stopped studies due to lack of support from anyone of my parents up to now. So God gives a chance to get your sponsor or scholarship I must continue with my studies in order to serve parents, community and entire community of South Sudan at large.
Therefore, also, I am enclosing my resume along with this short explanation for you to review. Any queries or discussions are strongly welcome from my side. I am looking forward for positive response for your side.


James is from the Murle community and lives in a household of 3 people. He graduated from Pibor Complex Secondary School and scored an 81.4% on his national examination. 

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