Logocho Lauryen lil Lothiko

College Catholic University

Area of Study Urban/rural planning/development

Length of Scholarship 4 years

As an aspiring scholar, I am deeply committed to pursuing academic excellence and contributing positively to my field of study. My academic journey has been marked by a relentless pursuit of knowledge, a strong work ethic, and a passion for learning.
Through my involvement in various academic and extracurricular activities, I have honed my critical thinking, problem-solving, and leadership skills. I believe that receiving this scholarship would not only alleviate financial barriers but also empower me, to fully dedicate myself to my studies and research.
I am driven by a strong sense of purpose and a desire to make a meaningful impact in my chosen field, and I am confident that this scholarship would provide me with the necessary support to achieve my academic and career goals. I am committed to utilizing this opportunity to its fullest potential and giving back to the community through my academic pursuits.

Looking forward to hear positive response from you.
Yours sincerely,

Logocho Lauryen lil t

Logocho is from the Murle community and lives in a household of 3 people. He is married with one child. Logocho graduated from Rio Jakor secondary school and scored an 86.9 on his national examination.

logocho grades.jpg

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