Luka Malamoth Kakayo

College Catholic University

Area of Study Electrical Engineering

Length of Scholarship 4 years

I am Luka Malamoth Kakayo, I need some help from PASS. My parents are jobless especially my mother, I am with my mother. I finished my high level just with the help of God. My mother used to burn charcoal to pay for my school fee which couldn't pay my university now.
I want to join college in order to become someone in the future. I want to serve my community, country and myself in the next generation with the knowledge of being an engineer of electrical engineering and this technology of electricity. This is the best choice that I showed to serve with respect and honor to my community and country.
I want to pursue Electrical engineering.

Luka is from the Murle tribe and lives in a household of five people. He graduated from Golden High Secondary school and scored an 82.3% on his national examination.

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