Mary Biet Mayiep

College University of Juba

Area of Study Pharmacy

Length of Scholarship 3 years

I Mary Biet Mayiep, first year student of the school of Pharmacy at the University of Juba would cordially like to congratulate our co-founder of PASS scholarship Dr. Augustino Ting for initiating such projects for the needy students of Apuk Padoc community.

With such an amazing and timely support from PASS, I would be able to pursue my desired career course without more difficulties. However, in South Sudan, we girls/women suffered negligence from reaching colleges or pursuing our desired career courses than boys. This is due to the believe from the communities that girls are sources of wealth through dowry prices. This had over the years affected our educational involvement in South Sudan. Therefore, as PASS support will engulf, most of us will be able to continue our education in order to help our communities not only through dowry prices but also professional skills and knowledge.

Prior to this, I would like PASS scholarship to consider supporting girls by giving them more opportunities in order for us to reach colleges. If we could reach colleges in a good number, we would be able to brainwash our communities in their unprecedented believe about girls and demonstrate to them how educated women can help their societies.

Finally, I would once congratulate the efforts of all the PASS board members both in the US and South Sudan, without their commitment and tireless efforts, this project wouldn't have been successful as it stands. Congratulations!

Mary Biet Mayiep is married with two children and lives in a household of 10 people. She graduated from ST. LAWRENCE ACADEMY SECONDARY SCHOOL and wants to continue studying pharmacy. 

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